Sunday 24 April 2016


yup, i started my year 4 months late than everyone else.
have been busy being someone i once think i could never be,
still can't imagine how people can let their life depended partly on my hand,
people can be crazy at times.

dah lama sangat x bukak balik this blog,
i once did it out of boredom staying inside my room studying and decided that outdoors only limited for sports and play, tiny bit traveling and shopping here and there (yup i'm that nerd u hate)
but believe me, i have my reason. and my situations give different reason than yours.

i'm that introvert that only talk when being talken to.
the one that u thought was sombong,
believe me i have my reason.

opening atas ni sangat pretentious. ^^^^^^^^^^^

blog ini adalah alasan untuk aku post stupid things.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Short blog:Panasnya Dunia

dah start dah musim panas kat mesir,harini je 44 darjah celcius..cepatlah balik malaysia..tapi setakat ni masih ok lagi..kalau nak banding dgn tahun lepas..bukak kipas pun rasa bahang je..memule pelik..dah bukak dah kipas,tapi asal rasa panas???lain kot hukum fizik kat mesir ni.. so try la bukak heater,mana tau rasa sejuk..hurrmmm..SALAH..lagi panas(obvious sgt salah)..sebab kat sini x bkk kipas pun rase panas..xde partikel2 air..yang ade partikel2 habuk je

harini masjid kat bawah rumah dah start bukak,mmg aku jadi "lelaki yang hatinya terpaut di masjid".

nak elak panas2 ni..memang makin rajin r pegi masjid bawah tu... rase cam syurga plak..sejuk..

 rajin fawwaz solat kat masjid, sejuk perut mak mengandung,sejuk lagi bahu memikul

p/s: x sabar nak balik malaysia,lusa oral ophthal..pastu ENT

pecah kaca,
pecah gelas,
pecah cawan,
pecah lampu kalimantan.